Sunday 14 April 2013

Linky Linky

"Teachers are often unaware of the gender distribution of talk in their classrooms. They usually consider that they give equal amounts of attention to girls and boys, and it is only when they make a tape recording that they realize that boys are dominating the interactions."

Further commentary here.


  1. Well let them, it'll be the last time the women give them the chance...

    1. Oh, hello. This is an unexpected pleasure. I genuinely didn't think anyone would follow that link.

      I'm quite glad you're here though, for all that it does feel like my wedding party where friends from different point in my life turned up and mingled and I wasn't entirely sure how well they'd get on ;)

      I'll get to your other comments when I've got a bit more time. But it'll be nice to have a few people who I know can apply a bit of critical thought around to keep me on the straight and narrow.

      More specifically, probably worth mentioning here that for all that boys may 'dominate the interactions' the girls still kick their asses in educational attainment. Which as we know translates so well to the real world...

    2. Smart girls make smart mothers make smart kids: proven over and again internationally. On the other hand, they're then smart enough to have fewer: ecological mind you. The education of boys only affects one generation.
